Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Back to School, Homeschool Style.

It is always hard to me to believe that its time for school again. I am one of those crazy people that loved school. I love the smell of new books, fresh sharpened pencils and picking out the special outfit for the first day. So I try to re-create all of that fun for my homeschooled children. Since we had just had baby Henry I wasn't quite up to my usual self but the basics were ready. This year we have two high-school kids that are enrolled with Seton and will be spending time studying with their nana. I have a wonderful resource in my mother-in-law....a former teacher with a degree in English! Then we have a seventh grader, fifth grade, 2nd grade and a kindergartner. Margaret and Gemma want to join in the fun so I'm trying to do preschool once a week with them. We got a great start and this year seems to be going fairly smooth for us.

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Billings, MT
I love capturing memories....what more can I say~